SYNTHETIC TIMES: Media Art China 2008 profiled over 40 major works at the National Art Museum of China from June 9 – July 3, 2008.
The exhibition was presented as a cultural programme of the 2008 Beijing Olympics and was produced by a consortium of 17 media art specialist organizations including ZKM Centre for Media Art Karlsruhe; FACT Liverpool; V2 Institute for Unstable Media, Rotterdam; Eyebeam New York, MoMA , New York, Tate London and MAAP-Media Art Asia Pacific.
SYNTHETIC TIMES presented a survey show of some of the most significant media art installations created in this decade. As a contributing curatorial advisor MAAP Director Kim Machan enabled and supported the participation of artists from Australia and the South East Asian region, including Stelarc’s interactive Prosthetic Head, an extroverted ‘walking head’ robot; Transmute Collective’s Intimate Transactions (Keith Armstrong, Guy Webster and Lisa O’Neill, Australia); Kim Kichul’s (South Korea) Sound Drawing series of interactive audio drawings; and Paul Lincoln’s augmented reality air conditioned installation, Citizen’s Comfort (Singapore).
MAAP’s participation in SYNTHETIC TIMES was assisted by the Australia Council for the Arts, Arts Queensland, and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. MAAP artists were also assisted by the Singapore National Arts Council and the Korea Cultural Foundation.
Read more about SYNTHETIC TIMES on RealTime Arts. (http://www.realtimearts.net/article/issue87/9176)
View SYNTHETIC TIMES 2008 Website (http://web.archive.org/web/20110216132057/http://www.mediartchina.org/)