close, close, 2014 by Barbara Campbell
Single channel responsive video projection, 5:00
Camera and edit, Gary Warner
Responsive programming, John Tonkin
Image courtesy the artist
Barbara Campbell (b. 1961 Australia) works between multiple concepts of spatiality—mediated, architectural and geographic—to create singular experiences for the viewer/participant. For LANDSEASKY, Campbell has been following the journey of migratory shorebirds on the East Asian-Australasian flyway, the flight path that links the birds in Australia and New Zealand to their breeding grounds in Siberia and the Arctic through the all-important feeding and resting sites on the Korean Peninsular and China’s east coast; a path that uncannily tracks the very trajectory of this exhibition. In her responsive video installation, close, close Campbell creates a space to observe and perform within. Multiple horizons, seen and implied, are synthesized within the work.
Campbell has performed in Australia, Europe and the USA, in museums, galleries, public buildings, photographs, on film, video, radio, and the internet, in silence and with words, still and moving, since 1982. She has worked with the specific physical and contextual properties of a given site, be it art gallery, museum, atrium, tower, radio airwaves or on the World Wide Web, in developing and presenting her works. She completed a Master of Visual Arts at Sydney College of the Arts, The University of Sydney in 1998.