Beijing Minsheng Art Museum Exhibition Publication

Very pleased to share the exhibition publication produced by Beijing Minsheng Art Museum for Refocusing on the Medium: The Rise of East Asia Video Art . The hard copy publication is available at the exhibition in Beijing and accessible now online  here. The publication includes dedicated pages to each artist, their work and a short biography along with  an essay by the curator Kim Machan.  An expanded exhibition  catalogue with additional texts from from experts in the field is also in production.

山口胜弘 Katsuhiro Yamaguchi
白南准 Nam June Paik  小野洋子 Yoko Ono
山本圭吾 Keigo Yamamoto  金丘林 Kim Kulim
饭村隆彦 Takahiko Iimura  朴铉基 Park Hyunki
金顺基 Soungui Kim  张培力 Zhang Peili
王功新 Wang Gongxin  鲍蔼伦 Ellen Pau
陈劭雄 Chen Shaoxiong  耿建翌 Geng Jianyi
朱加 Zhu Jia  李永斌 Li Yongbin
袁广鸣 Yuan Goang-Ming 杨振中 Yang Zhenzhong